We are excited to be heading to the esteemed Seattle Film Festival this weekend. The full festival runs from May 21st until June 14, and we have *two* WLIP screenings:
Saturday May 23
Neptune Theater
For tickets and info,Click Here
Monday May 25
Egyptian Theater
For tickets,Click Here
We will be interviewing attendees at both screenings for inclusion on our website. Come be a part of the online experiment or if you can’t attend, visit weliveinpublicthemovie.com to see reactions straight from the center of the action. The videos will kick off our (drum roll please…) virtual guest book, which will be incrementally rolled out in the near future.
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher recently joined the ever-growing army of We Live In Public fans. They both tweeted about our film last week, calling it “brilliant” and “amazing” respectively, driving lots of views on our trailer, hits to our site and retweets. We love when you guys go public on behalf of WLIP, so please don’t be shy. Shout it out! Our official film Twitter hashtag is #wlip — join the conversation.
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We are absolutely thrilled to announce that We Live In Public has been acquired into the permanent film collection by the NY Museum of Modern Art. This is Ondi’s second film to receive this honor — Dig! was purchased by the museum in 2004.
There are so many upcoming exciting events on the docket: Australia, Silverdocs, LA Film Festival…. stay tuned for more info on all of it! And as always, keep up with us on Ondi’s twitter (twitter.com/onditimoner), the official film Twitter (twitter.com/wlip), our Facebook fanpage and our website at weliveinpublicthemovie.com for festival times, news, pics, bios, our trailer, and more. We are in the process of launching lots of cool features on our site… be afraid, be very afraid
Thank you SO MUCH for all of your support!